Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Vegan Whipped Cream

Yes you heard it folks! This stuff is the truth. Whats best is that it is only three ingredients!!


1 Can  of Full Fat Coconut Milk (preferably organic)
3 Tablespoons of Powdered Sugar (or sweeten to taste)
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
Lots of Love! :)

Electronic Cake Beater/ or Whisk
Medium Bowl
Step One:
Refrigerate the coconut milk for at least an hour.
Helpful Hint: Make sure to stand it upright. Standing the can upright will allow for the fat and coconut water to properly separate and make it easier for you scoop.

Step Two:
After the milk has been refrigerated open the can and scoop out all the thick fat. Avoid the water at the bottom as much as possible. Scoop the contents into your medium bowl.
Helpful Hint: Using a glass/metal bowl helps to keep the fat cool while you blend it altogether

Tip: Save the remaining coconut water in a mason jar, and refrigerate for smoothies later :)

Step Three:
Add the vanilla and  powdered sugar, then blend on medium until the ingredients are well mixed. Your whipped cream should begin to get thick and fluffy!
Helpful Hint: If your cream is too runny, add more powdered sugar or refrigerate, and the coconut will become harder.

 I love this recipe its so simple and delicious. Perfect for Vegan Cheesecake or as pictured, the delicious
Vegan Chai Latte. Both recipes coming soon!
